
Webinar: Analyzing the CHN Settlement

July 26, 2024

HMS Partner Chip Hutzler recently collaborated with the American Bar Association (ABA) to moderate a webinar (click here to view webinar), which provided a comprehensive analysis of the CHN settlement, examining various critical aspects in detail. The session brought together experts to offer in-depth insights and practical guidance on navigating complex legal and compliance landscapes. The CHN settlement is the largest False Claim Act/Stark Law recovery to date, reaching $345 million.

The webinar panel took an in-depth look at the CHN settlement, including the government’s complaint in intervention, with a focus on several key areas. One major area of discussion was the compliance process. The panel evaluated where the compliance process met or exceeded expectations, ensuring adherence to regulatory standards and minimizing risks. They also identified shortcomings and potential enhancements to bolster future adherence to regulations and mitigate risks more effectively.

Another significant focus was the valuation process. The panel analyzed instances where the valuation process accurately reflected fair market value, ensuring transparency and fairness. They also discussed aspects of the valuation process that fell short and proposed measures for improvement to ensure valuations are consistently aligned with market standards.

Additionally, the panel explored litigation strategies in light of the central allegations of payments inconsistent with fair market value. They examined tactics for defending against such claims and strategies for presenting evidence and arguments to support fair valuation claims. The discussion also included lessons learned from the litigation process and how these can inform future legal strategies.

This webinar aimed to equip participants with a thorough understanding of the CHN settlement, highlighting practical lessons and strategies that can be applied in similar contexts to improve compliance, valuation, and litigation practices.

To view the webinar, click here.

Contact us

Chip Hutzler

Partner—JD, MBA, CVA

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